A Colorful Verse: Narrative zine set

A Colorful Verse is about Mx. Bee, a sentient non-binary femme anomaly, who takes a mystical drug known as "Colors" that causes their mysterious trauma to return to them, encouraging them to go on a journey to find out what happened to them and learn about themselves. Featuring fellow Bay Area creatives such as tarot reader and painter JesseJae, painter and musician Ela Zul, and local horror zine artist Tori Bowler. This narrative set includes the first 4 parts to the ongoing series; "Here Goes Nothing", "The Hills Have Us", "Who you be?!", and "Hi There!". Each zine is printed in Oakland and created by The Queenby. All models and collaborators are credited on the zines they appear in.
This set comes free when you order A Colored Book!
10% of proceeds will go to the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network. More info can be found in the Donations page.